Using Gcov and Lcov to generate beautiful C++ code coverage statistics

We all know, testing is an important part of a project. But how efficient are your tests? How much of your codes have you tested? Here comes the role of code coverage tools. I recently got to work on a C++ project, and a code coverage tool (gcov and lcov) .

In this post i have taken a sample C++ program and will be generating the code coverage stats for the same using gcov and lcov. Here is my sample C++ program link. Its pretty simple menu driven program that does simple mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division depending on users choice.

In this demo i am not writing actual test-cases for the code but you can see the changes in the coverage graphs depending upon your choice.

To start with we need to install gcov. Gcov comes with gcc compiler. So if you have gcc installed then gcov will work for you. Next you need to have lcov. I am working on Fedora 21, so for me its a yum install.

$yum install lcov

Next lets start with compiling our code. Here my source file name is menu.cpp

$g++ -o menu.out --coverage menu.cpp

The –coverage option here is used to compile and link code needed for coverage analysis. You will find a menu.gcno file in the folder. Next we need to export two variables namely GCOV_PREFIX and GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP. Set GCOV_PREFIX to the folder you want the output files to be in.

menu.cpp  menu.out  menu.gcno  data    // you can see the new file menu.gcno

For me , the project is in  “/home/subho/work/lab/zzz/” and  inside this i have created a folder named data where i want the data files or .gcda file to be generated. so i set my GCOV_PREFIX to “/home/subho/work/lab/zzz/data” and the GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP equal to the the number of forward slashes or “/” in the path.

$export GCOV_PREFIX="/home/subho/work/lab/zzz/data"

now lets simply run the code.


1: Add
2: Subtract
3: Multiply
4: Divide
5: Exit
Enter your choice :2
Enter two numbers: 3 4
Difference -1
1: Add
2: Subtract
3: Multiply
4: Divide
5: Exit
Enter your choice :5

Now we can see a menu.gcda file in data folder. Copy the .gcno file generated earlier to the data folder.

$cd data



$cp ../menu.gcno .


menu.gcda  menu.gcno

Now that we have all the necessary files lets use lcov to read the coverage output file generated by gcov.

$lcov -t "result" -o -c -d .

Here is my output file.

-t     sets a test name

-o    to specify the output file

-c    to capture the coverage data

-d    to specify the directory where the data files needs to be searched

Now we will generate out html output for the statistics.

$genhtml -o res 

-o    To specify the output folder name.

Now on doing ls, you can see a folder named “res“.

$ls   menu.gcda   menu.gcno   res

Now its time to enjoy the fruits of your labor 😛 . Go into the res folder and start a server or you can simply open the index.html file in your web-browser.

$cd res
$python -m "SimpleHTTPServer"     //to start a web-server  or
$firefox index.html               //to open the index.html directly using firefox browser

Now we can click on the links to check the code coverage stats. The Red lines are the ones not executed or uncovered region. The blue lines are the ones covered. Also you can look at the Line data section for the number of times the lines have been executed. 
You can look at these files in GitHub.

This slideshow requires JavaScript.

Using Gcov and Lcov to generate beautiful C++ code coverage statistics

Setting up MTConnect C++ Agent

In this post i’ll be discussing on how to setup cppagent (MTConnect c++ Agent) and run tests on it.

To start with we first need to git clone the repository from Github from here.

The current cloned version hash is 6d57d38cffff4b368f3ec003c2d8868d4f41a988.

Once you have cloned the repo enter the root folder of the repository. Now lets first build MTConnect.

For this we will create a folder named build in the root folder.

$ cd cppagent
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

After the make process is complete we will see MTConnect c++ agent in action. For this we will need to run the simulator.

We need to copy certain files to successfully run it. From the build/agent folder, copy VMC-3Axis.xml from the simulator folder into the current folder.

$cd agent
$ cp ../../simulator/VMC-3Axis.xml .

Now copy the agent configuration file

 $ cp ../../agent/agent.cfg .

Next edit the copied agent.cfg file and make the following changes to it:

Devices = VMC-3Axis.xml
 Host =

Open three terminals. In one of the terminals, start the ‘agent’

$ ./agent

Expected o/p:

MTConnect Agent Version - built on Sun Oct 12 22:20:32 2014

In the second terminal run the adapter simulator. For that you need to go inside the simulator folder in the repository root directory then type the following command.

$ ruby run_scenario.rb -l -p 7878 --scenario -v simple_scenario_1.txt

Expected o/p:

run_scenario.rb:41: warning: toplevel constant String referenced by OptionParser::String
Waiting on 7878
Client connected
Received * PING, responding with pong
Received * PING, responding with pong

In the third terminal type the following:

$ curl localhost:5000/current

This will give a XML output every time. Each XML output is different. You can check that by piping the output to a file  and then doing a diff of the two files

$ curl localhost:5000/current > 1.xml
$ curl localhost:5000/current > 2.xml
$ diff 1.xml 2.xml

The output will be something like:

< <Header creationTime="2014-10-26T18:19:10Z" sender="localhost.localdomain" instanceId="1414347216" version="" bufferSize="131072" nextSequence="227" firstSequence="1" lastSequence="226"/>
> <Header creationTime="2014-10-26T18:19:16Z" sender="localhost.localdomain" instanceId="1414347216" version="" bufferSize="131072" nextSequence="229" firstSequence="1" lastSequence="228"/>
< <Execution dataItemId="cn6" timestamp="2014-10-26T18:19:10.560074" name="execution" sequence="226">ACTIVE</Execution>
< <ToolId dataItemId="cnt1" timestamp="2014-10-26T18:19:08.559795" name="tool_id" sequence="224">3</ToolId>
> <Execution dataItemId="cn6" timestamp="2014-10-26T18:19:14.560666" name="execution" sequence="228">READY</Execution>
> <ToolId dataItemId="cnt1" timestamp="2014-10-26T18:19:12.560338" name="tool_id" sequence="227">2</ToolId>

Great!! now we have a working version of cppagent.

Next we will build tests. Follow the steps below to build test. We assume we are outside the repository root. So we need to enter the root first.

$ cd cppagent  
$ cmake .

Now we will enter the test directory in the root folder and build tests.

$ cd test  
$ make

Now to run the tests, run the agent in one terminal and the following command in another.

$ ./agent_test

Expected Output:

Continue reading “Setting up MTConnect C++ Agent”

Setting up MTConnect C++ Agent

Setting up a web-server for flask-app deployment in mod_wsgi :: Part-2 ::

Before we start I would assume we are ready with our cloud instance and are able to connect to it via ssh as shown in Part-1 of this post. I expect that you have your flask application ready already. Lets start with setting up the web-server without anymore delay. We can deploy our application in many ways, but we will be focussing on mod_wsgi in this post. First we need to install some of the basic packages needed for setting up a web-server.

sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi #For Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo yum install mod_wsgi                        #For Rpm based OS

You can test if things are working and server is up, just find out your public IP from amazon ec2 console, and type it in your browser. This should show the default pages. Next we need to get our flask app into the instance. For this i used github as remote repository. You need to install Git and then Git clone your repo into the user home. Now setup virtualenv and install the dependencies(installing dependencies into virtual environment is a good practice) :

sudo apt-get install python-pip 
or                                  #depending on the OS
sudo yum install python-pip 
sudo pip install virtualenv

Now that you have your virtualenv installed we will now create our virtual environment

eg: virtualenv env
source /bin/activate #to activate the virtualenv

you can singly install dependencies as

pip install <package-name>

Or install from a requirements.txt file as

pip install -r requirements.txt

Now copy your whole project along with virtual environment to ‘/var/www/’ folder.

sudo cp /current/path/app-root /var/www/ -r

:: Adding your .wsgi file::

Now that you are ready lets add a new file to our app root called the named ‘youappname.wsgi’ Having the content

from yourapplication import app as application //structure this line such that you must be 
                                               //able to import app from your flask-app as 

To run our app we need to specify the environment path.

Method 1:
Adding the following two line to the top of your .wsgi file.
activate_this = '/var/www/project-root/your_virtualenv/bin/'
execfile(activate_this, dict(__file__=activate_this))

Method 2:  This method will be shown in the next topic

::Writing config file for apache::

This took me some while to figure out how and what to write in this file. You need to create a configuration file for apache.

sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf    // for Ubuntu
sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/wsgi.conf  //for RHELorAmazon Linux

Now add the following line to the file. Method 2 for adding virtual environment path is shown below.

WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/wsgi        // to avoid permission denied error in RHEL or Amazon 
                                      // Linux , not necessary in ubuntu

WSGIDaemonProcess yourappname user=user1 group=group1 threads=5 python-path=/var/www/yourappname:/var/www/test_app/env/lib/python2.6/site-packages    //running as different user is 
                                                          //good for security reason
WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/yourappname/yourappname.wsgi

           WSGIProcessGroup yourappname
           WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
           Order deny,allow
           Allow from all

You can check the link if you find things confusing. In mod_wsgi jinja2 won’t show you errors in browser even if you put ‘app.debug=True’ instead you can make your app show debug output and print statements in terminal. For this you need to add

WSGIRestrictStdout Off

in the config files. You need to open these config files using vi editor.

sudo vi /etc/apache2/apache.conf    // for Ubuntu
sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf  //for RHELorAmazon Linux

Now ubuntu users need to enable mod wsgi and restart server.

sudo a2enmod wsgi 
sudo service apache2 restart

RHEL users just need to restart their server. To do so type

sudo service httpd restart //you may get a [FAIL] for stopping server, that's ok because you are running apache 1st time.

If things work fine well and good if not then you can have a look at the error logs.

sudo tail -f /var/log/apache2/* //for Ubuntu
sudo cat /etc/httpd/logs/error_log //for RHEL/Amazon Linux

Now if you look closely in the config file, we wrote user=user1 & group=group1. These needs to be created. For this: You can check the current owner and their permission using

ls -ld /var/www/site1/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 10 11:21 site1/

Create the group first and then add the user to it.

sudo groupadd group1

Now adding the user to the new group

sudo useradd user1 -g group1

Also we need to add the apache user to this group but first we need to find it

finding the apache user,
ps aux | grep apache  //for Ubuntu it's generally www-data
ps aux | grep httpd   // for RHEL/Amazon Linux it's generally apache 
sudo usermod -a -G group1 <user>  //user as found from the above commands

You can now verify if the user you created is in the new group

groups user1
user1 :  group1 //output

Now we will change the ownership of the flask-app folder to group1 so that it has full access only to that folder. This will let the app create new files or upload files into the server.

sudo chown -vR :group1 /var/www/site1/
changed ownership of `/var/www/site1/' from root:root to :group1
chown -> change ownership
-v    -> verbose it shows file names affected by the command
-R    -> recursively applies to all children
:group1 -> name of the new group1
sudo chmod -vR g+w /var/www/site1
mode of `/var/www/site1/' changed from 0755 (rwxr-xr-x) to 0775 (rwxrwxr-x)
chmod -> change mode bit
-v    -> verbose output
-R    -> Apply recursively
g+w   -> give write access to group

Now you can verify if group1 has been added

ls -ld /var/www/site1/
drwxrwxr-x 2 root group1 4096 Oct 10 11:21 /var/www/site1/

Restart your server and check . If you liked this blog give it a like and share it. Happy Coding. Continue reading “Setting up a web-server for flask-app deployment in mod_wsgi :: Part-2 ::”

Setting up a web-server for flask-app deployment in mod_wsgi :: Part-2 ::

Setting up a web-server for flask-app deployment in mod_wsgi :: Part-1 ::

Here i have discussed how to setup your cloud instance and connect to it. If you are already able to connect to your instance you can directly goto the Part-2 of this article.This week I had a tough time setting up my web-server for my flask-app. Firstly you need to get your server instance ready. I opted for AWS EC2 Instance for my app. you can look at these suggestions below for cloud server providers.

@ Amazon EC2

@ Crowncloud

@ DigitalOcean

How to launch EC2 Instance?

If you selected AWS as your cloud server provider then you can continue reading else for others if your instance is ready you can directly jump to Connecting to your Instance. For AWS you need to create an account and login, then from aws console goto EC2 dashboard and then “Launch Instance”. Select your Instance configuration and launch it.

Step 1:: Select you Instance Image, which in simple works is the OS you want to use. I used Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type 64-bit

Step 2:: Next choose the Instance Type depending on your needs. Step 3:: For now we are going to opt for the default settings.

Step 4:: Attach a volume to your Instance. Specify the required size and type of Volume you need.

Step 5:: You can Tag your instance for better identification of the instance.

Step 6:: You can choose a security group if group already exists or create a new group. To create a new group select the “create new” option give a proper name to your security group, then add rules to it. For now we will add two rules:

Rule1 : set type as "ssh" and source "my ip" or "custom ip" (recommended), selecting "anywhere" may be a security loophole.
Rule 2: set type as HTTP and source anywhere.

Step 7:: Review and launch the instance. You will be asked to create a key pair or choose an existing one. To create new enter the key-pair name and download. Note: Do remember the downloaded key file location we will be needing it later. Congrats Your Instance has been created!!!

How to connect to the instance?

If you are using windows in your local machine you can follow this link to connect to your instance using putty. You can get putty and puttygen from here. Linux users have ssh installed by default so I will be using ssh from my local fedora machine to connect to my ubuntu instance. Before you connect change the file permission of the key-file

$chmod 400 /path/to/my_key_file.pem

Now to connect to the instance:

$ssh -i path/to/your/key-file.pem <user>@<public dns>

$ssh -i ~/.ssh/awskey.pem

Now , the key-file.pem here is the file that was downloaded to your machine while creating a new key-pair. The user here is ec2-user or root for Red-Hat Linux , ec2-user for Amazon Linux and ubuntu for Ubuntu. You can get your Public DNS from your instance page as shown below.

Public DNS

If its the first time you are logging into the instance you will be asked if it can store the ECDSA fingerprint. Type in “yes” and it will be added to your list of known host. Next time you will be spared from these questions. SSH

In the next part we shall discuss how to deploy the application in server.

Note: For people with dynamic ip may have prolbem connecting to your instance if your ip gets changed (like mine). Solution is open EC2 dashoard -> Security Groups -> select the security group attached to your instance -> Click the “Inbound” tab below -> edit -> Change the source for ssh to my ip -> Save . Now try logging in from your terminal.

Setting up a web-server for flask-app deployment in mod_wsgi :: Part-1 ::

10 years of DGPLUG

We recently celebrated the 10 glorious years of DGPLUG. On this occasion we had a 5 day workshop (29th August to 2nd September) at NIT Durgapur.

::Day 1::

The first day was more or less introductory session where we discussed about what are our goals , our history and our programme for the future. The attendees constituted mainly of 1st,2nd and 3rd year engineering students of various colleges. The speaker for the session was Kushal Das, he told them about the Summer Training conducted by DPLUG for free every year. We told them about Open Source and how they can contribute to opensource projects. The next talk was by Praveen Kumar and was all about Fedora Project and how we can contribute to it. Next we had a really interesting talk by P.J.Prasad on Iptables. At the end we concluded the first day of the workshop with light discussions on various topics and also asked the students to get some packages installed for the next day.

::Day 2::

On the day two of the event the auditorium was teeming with eager faces , a workshop on Python was to be held. Kushal Das took the session on python along with the introduction of Vim. We had a tough time helping them to this new editor nevertheless we enjoyed doing it. Python for you and me book was followed in the session. We covered basic python commands , data structures and other basic functions of the language. By the end of the day we managed to write a program which could list down the files and folders of a directory quite similar to ls command of linux.

::Day 3::

On the day three we had workshops on flask, a web-framework based on python by Sayan Chowdhury in the first half of the day. Later In the second half we had workshop on unit test module of python by Ratnadeep Debnath where we learned to write test cases for our functions.

::Day 4::

On the Fourth day of the event we had a session on documenting our codes by Kushal Das. We introduced reStructuredText to write our documentation and then use rst2s5 to convert them to presentations. After that we used a powerful python package sphinx and prepared a demo documentation.

::Day 5::

The day five was all about how to contribute to upstream projects, Learn using Git, making patches, and other important git features and commands. After that we had a general discussion session followed by feedback session. We got many positive feedbacks and suggestions for improvement which has been noted down and will be kept in mind in the upcoming events.

Finally we talked about various projects in hand, and newer project ideas to be developed. Hoping to meet these awesome people soon at Pycon India. Till then Keep Coding! 😉

10 years of DGPLUG

Codeflu returns!!.. :)

*Sighs* Pitiful to look at this dead blog. Never-mind, its alive now! 🙂  So, what i did the last 12 months(almost)? Well, many things…

  1. Python Month workshop @ bcrec  (August 23)
  2. Pycon India (August 30 – September 1, 2013)
  3. Hackjam2bcrec (September 25,2013)


Other than this i spent my time working on projects such as

  • Kickchat (A chat application written in django)
  • Buff-tweet (a twitter app capable of storing and posting tweets from Cli)

Worked as an intern at OpenSourceEducation.

Spent lots of time learning and working with PHP.

This is just a preface to the upcoming blogs.

Stay tuned. 😉

Codeflu returns!!.. :)

Disabling discrete AMD Graphics card in linux

This article is posted to show how to disable the discrete AMD graphics card in a switchable graphics setup in laptops. The integrated graphics card can be an AMD or an Intel. Disabling the discrete graphics card will save your laptop from overheating and will save considerable amount of power.

This article is intended for those who are ready to have only the integrated card enabled. If you can configure both cards correctly, then you probably don’t need this. If you would like to have both cards running and want to switch between them, you need to look elsewhere.

The Problem:

I’ve a Dell Inspiron 15R model with HD 7670M discrete graphics and Ivy Bridge Intel 4000 integrated graphics card. All the distributions I’ve tried so far ran too hot with a lot of fan noise. In some cases, the laptop would turn off all of a sudden as it reached the maximum temperature it can handle!! The integrated card is capable enough to play 1080p video and desktops effects and hence I prefer the dedicated card turned off all the time.

The Solution:

  • Check if you have two graphics cards

Open ‘terminal’ and type the following command.

$lspci | grep VGA

If you see more than one graphics card, then you have a switchable graphics setup.

  • Check if both the cards are powered on

To check this, we need be able to view the file /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch. Type the following in terminal.

$cat /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch 

If you get  ‘Permission Denied’ error, then type,

$sudo chown <your user name> /sys/kernel/debug/

and then, type

$sudo chown <your user name>  /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch

Now you should be able to view the file using the ‘cat’ command given above.

If you get ‘No such file or directory’ error when trying the command ‘cat /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch’, then type

$sudo mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug

and follow the above ‘cat’ command to view the ‘switch’ file.

The result of the ‘cat /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch’ will have ‘Pwr’ in both lines (for integrated card which is denoted using the string “IGD”  and“DIS” for discrete card)  indicating both cards are powered on.

  • Disable the discrete graphics card

To disable the discrete card, type

$echo OFF >/sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch

and if you check the ‘switch’ file using the ‘cat’ command given before, you can see that the ‘Pwr’ has been changed to ‘off’.

You can use a temperature or power monitoring tool to compare the power usages before and after disabling the discrete graphics card.

To have the discrete card disabled at system start-up so that you won’t have to do all these steps at every time you boot your system, you may use rc.local file.


  • I’ve tested the above method only using the ATI/Intel available in my laptop
  • Distributions tested : Ubuntu 12.10 and Fedora 18
Disabling discrete AMD Graphics card in linux

rc.local in Fedora 16 onwards

Fedora 16 brought with itself many new features and changes from its previous versions. Fedora 16 takes advantage of several new technologies to improve the speed, security and efficiency of the boot process. The prominent changes in the boot system are:

  1. introduction of Grub2
  2. porting of SysVinit scripts to systemd
  3. rc.local is no longer  present by default

Though etc/rc.d/rc.local is no longer available by default, but it still works fine once you set it up correctly. rc.local is a file that contains commands user would like to run while booting fedora. Here in this post i will show you how to set it up in Fedora 16 and higher version of Fedora.

  • Step1: Open the Terminal
  • Step2: Type the following command to create the file, type the user password when asked for(for this you must have your username added to the sudoers list, else you may follow this tutorial to add to sudoers list) 
    $sudo vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local


    you may also do this without using sudo, in that case type this

    $su -c "vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local"

    Type the root password in when asked for.

  • Step3: Press “I” to turn on INSERT mode. Add the following to the top
  • Step4: Now you may add your personal commands if any. and press Esc, to exit INSERT mode. Then type “:wq” to save and close the file
  • Step5: Now to make the file executable type the following in your bash terminal
    $chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/rc.local

Once you do these steps, systemd will see the file exists, is executable and is a shell script, and will run it. No further action needed.
I hope the newer versions of Fedora keep this functionality of rc.local active as it’s sometimes handy to run things in a simple script rather than create a new unit file for it.

rc.local in Fedora 16 onwards

Adding Users to Sudoers List

“How to add an user to the Sudoers list?”, a quite common question asked by many. So here in this post i am writing the most convenient method to do it. 🙂

But before i start with the process to add an user to the sudoer list, let me tell you why we do this.

On adding a new user to the sudoers list that user will be able to run commands and open files with root user privilege.

Process to add an user to the sudoers list:

  1. Open terminal.
  2. Type the following command
    $su -c visudo

    Enter the root password.when asked.

  3. You can move the cursor using up/down arrow key. Move down to the line containing
    root ALL=(ALL) ALL
  4. press “i” to activate insert mode then add the following code just after the above line 
    <new username>  ALL=(ALL) ALL

    . So now it looks something like this

    ## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
    root ALL=(ALL) ALL
    <username> ALL=(ALL) ALL
  5. You might need to remove the # infront of the line %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL, mine was already done so i didn’t have to remove it. So now it looks like
    ## Allows people in group wheel to run all commands
    %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
  6. Press Esc to come out of insert mode, then type “:wq” in the command line and press enter to save and quit from vi. And that’s it you have done it. 😀

But here in this step number 4 you assign a root privilege to the user which again compromises your security. Once added to the sudoers list the user can change the password for other users, hence it is quite not advisable if your machine got multiple users logging in as your security might get compromised.

Instead of giving root privilege to for all the commands you can specify the commands with root privilege that the user might use.

For example:

<new username>  ALL=/usr/bin/yum

If your machine is common to many users i would suggest you to allow only particular command to be executed with root privilege else if you are the sole user then like me you may allow all commands to be executed by the user with root privilege.

Here is a slideshow to show how my sudoers file is:

Adding Users to Sudoers List


Few weeks ago i got the opportunity to attend the mozilla workshop #mozcafe@bcrec held in our college. It was basically about the mozilla community and their unique products. During the workshop I was made familiar with the Webmaker Tools by Mozilla like Popkorn Maker, Thimble and X-Ray Goggles.

  • Popcorn Maker : Its a handy online video editing tool. You can add popups, text tags, twitter feeds and many other elements to the video.
  • Thimble : This tool helps in testing your html codes and sharing it. You can write your html codes there and check its output webpage beside. You may even publish your webpage and forward the link to your page to your friends. 😀
  • X-ray Goggles : This was something i really loved. Its works just like its name says. It simply x-rays a webpage and unveils its html codes. You can copy the codes remix/modify the codes and make your own webpage easily. Ain’t it a smart tool?? 😉

Alright that was all about Webmaker Tools.

Next we were told about designing Mozilla logos and T-shirt. We were asked to try our skill in painting using mouse and MS-Paint(mine was a disaster). 😛

We were also told about localization of  mozilla products i.e. translating the language script of the software to your local language. This would help common people to access mozilla products easily. Also, it would save the local cultures and languages from getting extinct.  I really liked the idea behind mozilla localization.

All in all i would have missed a big opportunity if i had missed it.
